Shoes for Women

Handbags For Smaller Women

1.   Handbags in Fashion for Smaller Women! As the world of fashion continues to evolve, handbags have remained a staple accessory for women of all sizes and styles.   Handbags are a must-have accessory for any stylish woman. Not only do they add a touch of personal style to an outfit, but theyalso serve a practical purpose, providing a […]

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Sweaters For Smaller Women And What Works Best

Cool (warm!) sweaters are a must-have for any wardrobe, and it’s important to remember that size doesn’t dictate style. Smaller women can rock a cool sweater just as confidently as anyone else. Here are some tips and options on how to choose SWEATERS that will flatter your petite  frame. Petite women should opt for a […]

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Petite Women In Fashion

As I keep harping on about, petite women have long been overlooked in the fashion industry, with clothing options often limited and lacking in variety.  However, I must admit, in recent years, there has been a slight shift towards inclusivity in fashion, and petite women are finally starting to see more options that cater to […]

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Why We Must Accessorise

Autumn has arrived!!  And with it the beautiful Autumn Colours of leaves turning gold and yellow and a multitude of different colours in-between as they fall. The sunsets around Autumn are also magnificent  and I am sure everyone at one time or another has marvelled at the beautiful red and orange hues of a sunrise […]

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How To Store Your Shoes

One of my big themes for the New Year is the act of De-Cluttering.  I will write some more on this topic in future blogs, but for this blog we will adapt the de-cluttering principles to shoes. If you’re someone like me who loves collecting shoes, you’ll know just how quickly your shoe collection can […]

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I’ve got a fact for you that shocked me to the core when I read it. Right now, the year 2050 is closer than the year 1990. I know, right? For me, 1990 doesn’t seem like it’s all that long ago. It still has a ‘just the other day’ vibe about it. And 2050? Don’t […]

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The Origins of the 12 Days of Christmas

The Origins of the 12 Days of Christmas The word Christmas conjures up some beautiful images for most of us. It’s that time of the year when the tone of songs change, when the air of festivity touches everyone around… but Uncle Scrooge. Who’s he? The protagonist from Charles Dickens’ popular Christmas read  – A […]

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8 Useful Shoe Hacks

8 Useful Shoe Hacks for a Comfortable Wear We’ve probably all been through the discomfort of trying to hobble around in a pair of shoes that didn’t quite fit, or come home to blistered feet. Sometimes the beautiful pair of shoes we’ve bought have been a bit of a let-down because of the horrible odour […]

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How to Wear a Hat For Petite Ladies

The sometimes ostentatious yet innocuous fashion accessory for the head; namely the hat, can trace its origins as far back as the Bronze Age where it was probably used as protection from the elements. Short History of the Hat From being a symbol of freedom for slaves, to a sign of social standing in the […]

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Want Summer Ready Feet All Year Round?

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is why so many people tend to overlook the importance of taking care of their feet. When you think of your body it’s rather surprising that we take little heed of one of the most overworked parts of it. We hardly give our feet a second thought […]

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